Sunday, June 15, 2008

I saw this over at Bona Vita Rusticanda Est and thought it looked like fun.
How it works:
1.grab the book closest to you it to page 161
3. find the fifth full sentence the text of the sentence to your blog
5.don't search around for the coolest book you have, use the one that is really next to you.

Okay, So the closest book to me happens to be, "Ten Apples Up on Top" by Dr. Seuss....
No page 161! Ah the tragedy!

Okay, so the NEXT closest book to me (watch it will be something embarrassing lol)
"Paddle to the Sea" EE Gads - are there too many children here or can you just tell I homeschool? :)

Last chance -REACHING---

It is (still one of the children's but that's okay :)

The Red Fairy Book ~ Andrew Lang of course~
"Then she put on a gorgeous robe of lilac satin
lined with blue, and a yellow petticoat trimmed with violet ribbons, and because
she had heard that queens always rode into thier new dominions, she ordered a
horse to be made ready for her to ride."

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I feel both called and blessed to be a homeschooling mom. I don't think there's anything more important I could do with my life than to train, love, and educate my children.

It is not always easy - I struggled - especially the first year with decisions and curriculum and whether they were doing okay- until I realized that I need to "Let go and Let God".

And when I let go - I discovered a teaching/homeschooling method that couldn't have been a more perfect fit for us. We now use a Charlotte Mason style to educate our children. It is not perfect, I will never claim to school my children JUST as Ms. Mason did or as she called for. I am still learning along with the children. But - the use of narration, REAL living books, nature study, copywork, and methods from other women such as Ruth Beechick, just FIT us and make us all so much more relaxed and happy. The growth and education of my children using these methods astounds me! I am amazed constantly that this glorious, NATURAL method of living and learning has worked so amazingly well! My children constantly delight and challenge me and I feel so incredibly blessed!

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." - Phillippians 4:13